Thursday, November 26, 2009


I am so very very Thankful for all the goodness that God has blessed me and my little family cup runneth over.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Righting My World

Hello...Thanks for have reached cranky, Ren Inc. may I help you?
Goodness this baby of his's the lil pearly whites making their debut but still....and crying...crying but not for real...cause he can't have his way...oh my! I was hoping this fit throwing might hold off for a couple more months a least but no....
Last night at dinner he wanted to hold the spoon...and put his hand out every-time to grab it....which all-in-all is not that big of a deal but it was dinner time and this Mama needs her boy to lean that dinner time is for eating and not playing. So I told Ren no and then tried to keep feeding him. 30 (or so give or take a few) No's later...Ren is crying...but not real tears...just peeking out at Mama every-now-and-then to see if I am paying attention and then when he sees me looking at him he smiles and goes for the spoon...Ha...sneaky lil guy. So, I let him "cry" and just sat there waiting for him to finish. Then when he was done I gave him a couple bites of food and then went and got a little wooden spoon for him to hold while he finished eating...and finish eating dinner he did. I just have to keep telling myself that my will is greater than his!

And in the middle of all the fits and non tear inducing crying and I am frustrated...Ren gives me a lil ole grin....and my world it is righted again...
the end.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ren Wearing

Stephanie over at Adventures in Babywearing asked to see our favorite babywearing photos....
I don't have very many of Ren and I but this one....
is easily one of my favorites so far (Ren is 7 months old). This is a Baby K'tan carrier...and my carrier of choice for wearing Ren. It is comfortable, easy to put on and take off and Ren loves it. Here is a picture of me wearing Ren when he was 5 days old his first time in the Baby K'tan...
Goodness he was so little....He slept for 4 hours in there and I LOVED it! I am so glad that there are comfortable carriers out there and I intend to wear Ren as long as he loves it too!