Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Ren & Sam TKBTB V2

Month two of talking with my boys for The Kids Behind The Blog Series.  I love these posts.  My boys are seriously so funny and deadpan honest about what they say.  Sam always begins every answer with UH...and Ren stops to think for a bit before he gives me an answer.  I made sure to ask them separately so they wouldn't be tempted to answer the same.  This months questions are:
  1. What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?
  2. Who is your favorite person?
  3. When playing outside, what does your ideal sunny day plans look like?
  4. What do you like to do when it's raining? (Since April showers bring May flowers)
  5. If you could plant a garden of anything, what would you plant?

Ren-newly 7 years old!
  1. What is your favorite thing to do with your friends? I do a lot with my friends, so I don't really video games, go exploring, jump on the trampoline. He does do a lot with his friends...playing outside and exploring is what he usually does if the weather is nice. We don't have video games at our house but he does play with friends.
  2. Who is your favorite person? You....You're my Mama! Be still my Mama-heart!
  3. When playing outside, what does your ideal sunny day plans look like? Playing on the slip-n-slide, spraying water at my friends and grill hot dogs and roast marshmallows. Ever the jokester...Ren really will spray down his friends. We bought a slip-n-slide last summer and I know I will have to buy one when the weather warms up for sure! 
  4. What do you like to do when it's raining? (Since April showers bring May flowers) I like to go outside and play in the mud. Once I come inside and get clean I would watch movies or shows. This kids has been known to take mud baths and dirt was a Yes Day!
  5. If you could plant a garden of anything, what would you plant? Lollypops and all kinds of candy and corn.  Thank goodness Lollypops and candy does not grow in a garden...I would be in all kinds of trouble!

Sam-four months shy of three
  1. What is your favorite thing to do with your friends? UH....Build Train Tracks. The tracks this kids has going on...thank goodness we have a big basement playroom.
  2. Who is your favorite person? UH...Mema! This is my Mama and I know she is going to love reading this! Hi Mama... We Love you!
  3. When playing outside, what does your ideal sunny day plans look like? UH....I would swing, slide and have picnic pizza. Picnic Pizza at the Swing & Slide (Playdate coming soon)!
  4. What do you like to do when it's raining? (Since April showers bring May flowers) UH..... Put on my jacket and rain boots and jump in the water. Pretty much, this.every.time.
  5. If you could plant a garden of anything, what would you plant? UH.....Salad and broccoli and carrots and spicy peppers. Who is this old man? Sam's nickname is Pop...this so fits him and his love of all foods...except spicy peppers...he does not eat those.

Be sure to check out all the Kids Behind The Blog!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Yes Days & the Magic of Childhood

When I remember days of my childhood I am certain that the sharpest memories are the days my Mama said YES to my sisters and I. Yes to playing in the mud, Yes to making caramel popcorn balls, Yes to lining the room with sheets from wall to wall for individual tents for my sisters and I, Yes to changing rooms (beds and everything) and roommates in the house, Yes to playing in the rain, Yes to decorating our room space how we wanted (oh the thumbtack holes that were in the walls and ceilings)...all these fun and fabulous memories of mine wrapped up in Yes Days and  Yes MomentsAs a mother to my own wild things I see her Yes Days from a different perspective now. The extra work she had to do those days was plenty  (hello EIGHT girls) but the pay off was giggly, happy girls and every mama knows that nothing beats happy.  

We do Yes Days at my house and they are by far my favorite days; even though they usually mean more laundry (always more laundry).  A Yes Day is a day (or a hour or two) in which you say YES to whatever it is that your kids want: ice cream for breakfast- YES, a pillow fort involving every blanket, pillow, chair, sheet in the house- YES, wearing that shirt that mama can’t stand and they love- YES, playing in that rain/mud puddle- YES, a bubble bath in the middle of the day- YES, wearing those fairy wings or a full on superhero costume to the grocery and running errands- YES…etc, etc, etc.  My boys love Yes Days. They never know when they are going to happen (they don’t know that’s what I call them either) and I’m sure that Yes Days are going to be the magical glitter in their childhood memories, just like they are in mine.

Yes Days aren’t just for kids, they are for Mamas (and Daddies) too. A little afternoon nap instead of folding the laundry- YES, leaving the house an hour before GNO or other obligations to walk around a store of choice alone- YES (this is my yes of choice btw and I say yes for this every chance I get), staying up past when you should for a good book- YES, a long hot bath while catching up on your favorite show- YES, … etc, etc, etc.  Doing a little something that speaks life to you and brings you joy are important; they make me a better mama and I bet they will make you one too. I'd love to hear about your Yes Days, I'll bet you have them even if you don't give them a name.  Look for #Yesdays on my Instagram will know if we are having one and what shananigans my wild things are up to!