Monday, December 1, 2008

Just breathe...please

Well, I've been smacked down with a major breathing nose is completely stuffed and I mean stuffed..I don't think I have EVER had a "cold" or whatever this is...this bad. I read up on the pregnancy stuffiness and well I have it BIG time. And now not to be undone, my lungs have decided they want to play "lets get sick" and I am now developing a nasty which my hubby looks at me in alarm and states " you're okay right? is sweet potato going to get sick?" Yep, I'm okay, just want to breathe here...
~Box of tissue...check...oh hold on it's empty...and I just bought it on Saturday...back to CVS
~Humidifier...check...but I have to carry it from the living room to the bedroom when it is time for bed..I hope it is really helping
~Getting sleep...hmmmm..not checked...I have to sleep propped up but on my side, then my hip hurts so I change to the left side (after a trip to the bathroom) and then my nose starts to I lie there with a tissue clutched in my hand, trying to sleep..trying to concentrate on not dropping the tissue..and then I can't breathe...
~Trips to CVS (and spending way over my budget for the month on CVS stuff) with approved medication list from my OB clutched tightly in hand...hoping to find something that will cure this misery.....check....but cure...ya...uhmmm....not checked
~Sitting for moments... that I probably would be doing something else like preparing for Christmas and all the craziness that this month can bring if I let breathe because that is what I need...a little quiet...a little introspection on the miracle happening inside me....ummm...check

That has been my life for the last couple of days with a few highlights in between....
I bought my girl her first pair of shoes...little silver One Star Converse crib shoes from Target! I could not resist and a girl can NEVER have enough shoes...I have a sneaky suspicion that she will have shoes, shoes, shoes and more shoes!

The Pottery Barn Kids Butterfly Mobile that I ordered on e-bay came in today! YAY!!! I LOVE IT! Hubby was even impressed! It is hanging in the dining room right now because the study is not anywhere near converted to a little baby girls room...and I want to enjoy it bad I can't hang one in my room...haha...

Christmas is not up yet....I am behind apparently...but am okay with's the breathing thing that has taken priority...but I do have my winter door mat out and while my fall wreath is still on the door, I do have the stuff to make my winter wreath...guess I might be getting on that tomorrow.

My parents are coming in an hour give or take...I did not mean to be up this late...but the breathing thing again...and I am reading the Twilight books...way too easy read...I guess that is why they are "teen fiction" and way too easy to figure out what is going on...but they are entertaining.

Mr. Wonderful is feeling the girl move a little more often and the wonder-of-it-all that is in his face is PRICELESS...I am loving this process of making a human...thankful that God has given me a chance to be a Mama...

I hope you are having a wonderful first week of December...remember to the hectic pace of all that is this month...take some time and just breathe.



Andrea said...

Hi! I saw you posted about the cloth diapers. They look like Bum Genius (we have some). You adjust them so you don't have to buy new ones as they grow!

We are also USAF. We lived in Abilene from 1993-1999 (I worked at one of the hospitals there). We moved to the UK, and then to Germany. That is where you will find us now!

I had lots of stuffiness while pregnant. It goes away after the birth. It goes with the whole package, I guess.

Nell said...

I'm sorry you feel bad :( I hope you feel better soon. I had the "allergies" with all three pregnancies in the very beginning. Now that I'm at the end I have a whole list of other aches and pains...but it's all worth it!
