Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Stories to Tell

I picked up Shauna Niequist's Savor, a 365 Devotional for this year and I meet with a group of friends once a month to discuss the days and enjoy the recipes that Shauna provides.  Savor, has proven to be a fairly easy devotional; one that I can sit and read the scripture she provides along with her words and reflections for that day in the morning over my coffee and then think about them as I go through my day. 

Somedays resonate with me more than others; one of the days last week has really stayed with me. February 18th devotion, Only You Can Tell Your Story. Shauna writes "If you have been longing to hear a new language of faith, one that rises and falls like a song, may I suggest that you start singing? If you want your community to be marked by radical honesty, by risky, terrifying, ultimately redemptive truth-telling, you must start telling your truth first."  

This spoke to my heart, not so much in the telling of my truth; more in me believing my truth wholly, first. The truth that God starting writing in my heart when I was in my early twenties.  Things He spoke to me in the quiet of prayers and praise.  In marrying a military man, which requires moving often and re-establishing myself again and again; I often questioned the Lord, HOW....How are you to train and accomplish these things in me when it seems that I start over all the time? He responded to me several years ago at a conference with "Nili, I AM the how, you just walk one step at a time in faith." And so I began... Waiting for His leading and then taking a step in faith.  The flame of the truth that God placed in my heart 20 years ago began to grow.  Now, now I find myself needing to own my truth, believe my truth; so I can walk with confidence in what the Lord has called me to do. So I can tell my story.

Shauna ends with "Only I can tell my story. And only you can tell your story." This is what God is speaking to my heart.  My story, my truth that He wrote in my heart; it is mine for the living, mine for the telling and I must live it and I must tell it.  Knowing that I am where God wants me to be is empowering.  Not that I don't doubt myself, worry, make mistakes, stumble and fall....I do all of those things daily.  I also get up, make amends, dust myself off and keep walking. Relying on God to direct my steps...He said He would and I know that I can count on Him. 

Has God been speaking to your heart about the story He has written for you? Be encouraged to live and tell your story...someone you know needs to hear it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nili, I'm so happy I'm your neighbor at Holley's. The power of the story has been on my heart and I blogged about it this week as well. Understanding the truth about ourselves gives us freedom to share with others. POWERFUL. If every woman had a firm grasp on who she is and who she was born to be, there would be nothing stopping her. I pray that for all of us as we share our God-stories! Beautiful site:)