Monday, October 13, 2008


It's after 12...noon that is, sitting here on the couch....still in my pj's (kinda..I did brush my teeth and comb my hair...doesn't that count for something???)...watching a movie...thinking of the stuff I would like to bake, make, cook...
Christmas is just around the corner and I have 7 sisters that I need to get their gifts started, my plan is to make all the gifts this year, my sisters not to hard...Mr. Wonderful's family...well some of them we only only see during the holidays and well...I really don't know them and they don't know me and now....I am going to have to come up with something. This is when living far far away in a foreign country is very helpful...just pick up something that they would not have (small but interesting and usable...hopefully), wrap and ship...problem solved. But now....last year I had left overs from living in Turkey, this year not so I am thinking...thinking...thinking.

Apple pie...I want some and corn chowder and banana bread, homemade bread, potato soup, chicken pot pie......I am so hungry...but I am in my pj's and do not want to go to the grocery...I swear if they had delivery in this little town I would order from the grocery right now...but they do not. I think that a grill cheese might have to do for now and then a trip to the grocery will have to happen.

Mr. Wonderful is in his own paradise...hunting...I was 3 day weekend we can have some fun...well...I am on the couch in my pj's and he is off hunting...again....Friday afternoon and evening...we prepared for a garage sale...yay...$340ish dollars made!!!!....Saturday, after the money making garage alone all night....Sunday afternoon and alone all night...this morning and possibly for the rest of the alone...well I have the pups and some movies that I have not seen in a while....while I love that Mr. Wonderful hunts and he loves to go and it makes the stress of his job seem not so bad when he can get out in the woods and do what he does....I hate sitting alone so much. Last night I did go to Hastings and purchased a pregnancy yoga DVD and book...but I don't have $$ to spend so heading to the mall to poke around is not that appealing and well...good thing hunting season only lasts so long.

Not much else happening, I am growing...I woke up a couple days ago and could only think...this is not my body...things are changing, shifting and here we are...first trimester down...week 14 ...yay!!! I am feeling good, aside from lots of bloating and some still sore (but not as much) girls and clothing not fitting nice..except for pj's....too bad I cannot wear them always...This is becoming real....I still go to the fridge and look at the ultrasound pictures in wonder and amazement that....that I have a life, a little one...a brand new human...with brand new thoughts and ideas and silliness and looks and never been on this earth before wonder, growing inside of me...this is real...what I have been waiting for...for forever I feel...5 years of infertility and now we are going to have a hopes are being dream is coming true!

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